Wednesday, December 30, 2009

our twitter-er

Josiah definitely loves living life! His verbal skills have exploded; and he tells you about everything he is doing and/or thinking. It's hilarious. Pops nailed it the other day when he described Josiah as being a child of the current technology generation . . . calling Josiah a "twitter toddler" . . . only Josiah's tweets are verbal. So funny ~

Here are a few pics from our morning's "adventure" to Marbles, a very nifty, creative play museum in downtown Raleigh. Josiah was full-speed ahead; Bella just enjoyed people watching.


Adam, Connie, Josiah, and Bella said...

We all had such a GREAT time today! Thank you, Gammie and Pops!

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed your little twitter-er and his sweeter-than-sweet sister this evening. They are so very precious. Josiah is quite the train engineer and really is talking up a storm. I could listen to him for hours!!