Sunday, November 29, 2009

new friends

Making new friends is always fun! Gopi, Gomz, and Anand joined us for the first time in our home yesterday afternoon for lunch and games. Bocce and Farkle were hits! (Whew and yes, Adam, they did eat ALL of the veggie AND cheese pizzas! I was a little worried after you posed your question about cow's milk and cheese . . . I hadn't thought that one all the way through when planning the menu.) We also had big salads, with lots of fruit and some boiled eggs on the side. I tried a new apple pie recipe, that turned out being a real keeper . . . and the guys brought a dish of carrot halwa for dessert, as well.

Gopi, Gomz, and Anand are all from the same city in southern India and are doing graduate work in engineering and computer science at State. Pops and I are excited for the opportunity of getting to know these young men over the next two years . . . learning about their lives and sharing ours.

(Having G, G, and A around reminded me of our time with Masood. I missed all of you and Grandmom Brown yesterday as I was remembering our family dinners with him. That seems like eons ago!)

PS . . . precision seemed to be very important when playing Bocce with engineering and computer science minded people! I don't think we've ever brought out the measuring tape before . . . :)

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