Pound cake is my favorite. So when I gave Pops a list of possibilities for baking a dessert or two to enjoy over the next few days, pound cake was one of the options on my list. I was shocked (but pleased) when he chose pound cake over pecan chess pie!
Who would've thought baking a pound cake could bring back so many memories?
. . . first of all, I pulled out my favorite cookbook of all times. "Cheraw's Best!" The old paper cookbook that the Jamaican Mission youth group pulled together. Back in the high school freshman/sophomore days! Remember that one? Well (besides Miss Evelyn's pound cake of course), Miss Mondell's "Cold Oven Pound Cake" recipe has proven itself to be tried and true over these many years.
. . . then there was the time that Pops had been gone for a week or so (I can't remember if it was fishing or flying), but I was so excited for his return. I decided to make a "Cold Oven Pound Cake" to have on the kitchen counter to welcome him home. Ashley, a pretty spunky toddler, wanted to help and pulled on the dangling mixer cord as I was doing something else in the kitchen. All of the batter ended up on his head, body, and floor. What a mess!
. . . and the time when I accidentally used self-rising flour in the recipe. That was definitely an "I Love Lucy" moment . . . and another big mess!
Memories are SO special . . . I so appreciate how God brings them back to mind at just the perfect times to give us such amazing heart tickles! I know that you all are, or will be, busy in your kitchens during these next few days. Enjoy the time, and I hope that you'll be making memories that will tickle your hearts for years to come!
Merry Christmas eve, eve, eve~
Oodles of love,
1 comment:
You are such a dear!! Nana
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