Saturday, December 25, 2010
Christmas afternoon stroll
While waiting for "the snow" to arrive, Pops & I decided to get outside for some fresh air. Our Christmas afternoon stroll in the park was perfect!
We had never seen so many birds; bluejays, cardinals, finches, and field sparrows . . . so busy gathering seeds, apparently. They must know that their woods will be turned to a winter wonderland tonight.

Friday, December 24, 2010
Christmas Season
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Pound cake is my favorite. So when I gave Pops a list of possibilities for baking a dessert or two to enjoy over the next few days, pound cake was one of the options on my list. I was shocked (but pleased) when he chose pound cake over pecan chess pie!
Who would've thought baking a pound cake could bring back so many memories?
. . . first of all, I pulled out my favorite cookbook of all times. "Cheraw's Best!" The old paper cookbook that the Jamaican Mission youth group pulled together. Back in the high school freshman/sophomore days! Remember that one? Well (besides Miss Evelyn's pound cake of course), Miss Mondell's "Cold Oven Pound Cake" recipe has proven itself to be tried and true over these many years.
. . . then there was the time that Pops had been gone for a week or so (I can't remember if it was fishing or flying), but I was so excited for his return. I decided to make a "Cold Oven Pound Cake" to have on the kitchen counter to welcome him home. Ashley, a pretty spunky toddler, wanted to help and pulled on the dangling mixer cord as I was doing something else in the kitchen. All of the batter ended up on his head, body, and floor. What a mess!
. . . and the time when I accidentally used self-rising flour in the recipe. That was definitely an "I Love Lucy" moment . . . and another big mess!
Memories are SO special . . . I so appreciate how God brings them back to mind at just the perfect times to give us such amazing heart tickles! I know that you all are, or will be, busy in your kitchens during these next few days. Enjoy the time, and I hope that you'll be making memories that will tickle your hearts for years to come!
Merry Christmas eve, eve, eve~
Oodles of love,
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Adventuresome lady
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Tula Bellamy was my mammaw on Nana Jane's side of the family. I remember many things about the times I spent at Mammaw & Pappaw's house. During most of my younger years, they lived in a section of a dairy farm's large main house. My pappaw ran the farm for a doctor who lived in another town. Their living room and the bathroom were on the main floor of the house (complete with a stairwell down to the cellar, where my cousin Carolyn and I were sure there were boogers hiding); at the end of a long hallway, stairs led to the second story where the large eat-in kitchen and two bedrooms were found. Another little side room and a funky, big side hall were up there as well . . . but today, it was the kitchen I was remembering. My pappaw got up really early every day; and I can remember the time of morning when he came in from his work for breakfast. There was no cereal with milk set on the table in Mammaw's kitchen. Oh no, only full course meals for breakfast . . . fried tenderloin, gravy & biscuits, eggs, homemade biscuits, fresh butter, homemade jellies, fried apples, fresh milk, etc.
Yesterday, when I got out of the car in Cheraw, Granddaddy Bob greeted me and told me I was in for a surprise. Mary & Doug had come for a visit! This morning I woke up and did a quick grocery-list run to WalMart for Granddaddy Bob, and when I returned . . . another surprise . . . Aunt Bob & Uncle Dan had come for a visit! My cousin, Doug, and his wife Nancy were on their way to Myrtle Beach for Doug to run in a half marathon tomorrow; and so, Nana Jane's two sisters planned a surprise visit to Cheraw! Stand back . . . because there was a whirlwind in the kitchen! Those ladies hit the road running; and before you could blink your eyes twice, a "Tula Bellamy" breakfast was gracing Nana Jane's table . . . mmm, it smelled so good! Sausage gravy & homemade biscuits, cooked apples, sausage patties, honey, applebutter . . . just like the olden' days.
sisters snappin' a "mess" of beans
not long until PT, now!
As I drove home, I continued to stroll down memory lane . . . thinking back to that farm house and of how we cousins played . . .
Yesterday, when I got out of the car in Cheraw, Granddaddy Bob greeted me and told me I was in for a surprise. Mary & Doug had come for a visit! This morning I woke up and did a quick grocery-list run to WalMart for Granddaddy Bob, and when I returned . . . another surprise . . . Aunt Bob & Uncle Dan had come for a visit! My cousin, Doug, and his wife Nancy were on their way to Myrtle Beach for Doug to run in a half marathon tomorrow; and so, Nana Jane's two sisters planned a surprise visit to Cheraw! Stand back . . . because there was a whirlwind in the kitchen! Those ladies hit the road running; and before you could blink your eyes twice, a "Tula Bellamy" breakfast was gracing Nana Jane's table . . . mmm, it smelled so good! Sausage gravy & homemade biscuits, cooked apples, sausage patties, honey, applebutter . . . just like the olden' days.
I was busy doing my regular Saturday-morning-in-Cheraw routine . . . complete with giggles as I watched and listened. It's been a little over three years since Nana Jane, Mary, and Bob have all three been together. Mary & Bob talked and laughed as they snapped a "mess" of beans in preparation for lunch. When I left around noon, they were busy discussing the condition of the pie crusts that were coming out of the oven for the butterscotch pies. Two sisters busy in the kitchen, calling back and forth to Nana Jane in the living room. I think a meatloaf was being baked; and there was rumor that some peanut butter-caramel candy was going to be made. Tula would've been proud!

As I drove home, I continued to stroll down memory lane . . . thinking back to that farm house and of how we cousins played . . .
- the stone top table in the lower front yard, down by the tractor shed. That's where I'd sit with my cousins with salt in our hands, waiting for the birds to hop close by; 'cause Mammaw told us if we could get close enough to put the salt on the birds' tails, we could catch them. I always wondered if the salt would weigh down the bird so much that it couldn't fly away. I never got close enough. (When I first read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, in my mind, the stone table where Aslan was slain looked like this table.)
- climbing the two huge pine trees by the front sidewalk . . . eewww . . . the sappiest trees in the world!
- (one of my favorites!) swinging really high in the big porch swing . . . and I even remember having to help snap beans while swinging so that a "mess" could be cooked!
- peeping into the "other side" of the house when Dr. Jones was not there. Come to think of it, was Dr. Jones EVER there?
- walking down to the pond, and crossing over the little foot bridge at the place where the road ran through a creek.
- listening to Aunt Evelyn's Elvis 45's.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Lovin' Fall
Fall called my heart to the out-of-doors this afternoon. Decided that it was more important to enjoy the beauty of God's creation than to keep my appointment with the treadmill at Rex! It was a great afternoon for yard work . . . the last time we picked up sticks and pine cones, there were family chickadees running all over the yard doing the job for us. My heart smiled as I remembered.
Adam & Connie, we had to thin out clumps of your purple bearded irises from our beds. We're looking for homes for about 30 really healthy tubars. Becky (next door) took some this afternoon - but, there are still plenty more. Any takers? The cannas will be next!
PS . . . Total change of course: Pops surprised me with tickets to a concert last Saturday night. It was a belated anniversary sercy!! Our first concert in 22 years . . . we had a delightful time ~ Five Guys & a Burger; gorgeous Fall evening, complete with stars; front row on the lawn at Walnut Creek; snuggled under a blanket and tapping our feet to the songs of Little Big Town and Sugarland. What fun!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Last Saturday was Nana Jane's 40th day of recovery . . . I nicknamed her "Noah" (you know, 40 days and nights of rain . . .)

Pops and I have been praying for Nana Jane; for healing & for strength of body, mind, and spirit. We also have been praying each morning for Adam and Connie and the kiddos as they settle in Macon. Adam has especially been on my heart.
As I was driving home tonight, I was thinking about these two very special family members and continuing to lift their names up to our Father. I had to run into the Dollar Store for a couple of things. When I came out of the store, there was the most beautiful double rainbow in the sky . . .two rainbows ~ two promises from God. It brought back memories of JD's funeral . . . remember hearing John tell the girls how God would surely see their family through . . . and how they would be alright, because God always keeps His promises? God is our Sustainer! May He grant Nana Jane and Adam the ability to appropriate His great peace, strength, and rest as they each face the challenges before them.
Pops and I have been praying for Nana Jane; for healing & for strength of body, mind, and spirit. We also have been praying each morning for Adam and Connie and the kiddos as they settle in Macon. Adam has especially been on my heart.
As I was driving home tonight, I was thinking about these two very special family members and continuing to lift their names up to our Father. I had to run into the Dollar Store for a couple of things. When I came out of the store, there was the most beautiful double rainbow in the sky . . .two rainbows ~ two promises from God. It brought back memories of JD's funeral . . . remember hearing John tell the girls how God would surely see their family through . . . and how they would be alright, because God always keeps His promises? God is our Sustainer! May He grant Nana Jane and Adam the ability to appropriate His great peace, strength, and rest as they each face the challenges before them.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Almost completed
Thanks to John Davis for ministering to our family. John designed and built (Pops was his gopher) the ramp for Nana Jane and Granddaddy Bob. Graham and Pops put the (almost) finishing touches on the ramp last night and this morning. There's just a little more staining to be done at the top of the ramp . . .

Granddaddy Bob let me "test" the almost completed ramp out today. He sat in Nana's wheelchair and let me roll him down & up the ramp. It's ready when you are, Momma!
Granddaddy Bob let me "test" the almost completed ramp out today. He sat in Nana's wheelchair and let me roll him down & up the ramp. It's ready when you are, Momma!
Monday, September 6, 2010
Gorgeous day
I know all of you enjoy sleeping in on your days off from work . . . but, last night when Pops and I realized that the temps were dropping into the mid-50's, we knew that an early morning walk in Joyner Park in that cool brisk air was definitely calling our names!
After our walk we mosied down to Village Deli for a yummy breakfast date; and then made a short visit and enjoyed a friend's smile.
I know the coming week will bring another bout of very hot weather, but I surely have enjoyed these two days of "Fallish" respite . . . so much so that I decided to do "Fall" today.
Happy Fall, Family! I love you. I hope that you have found this to have been a gorgeous day, too!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
It's your day, Alistair!
Although life has been crazy & busy & fun & surprising & unplanned these past few days, I've thought about YOU, Alistair, all throughout this day. Birthdays are great . . . and today is your day! Happy 1st birthday, dear one ~
I love you!
I love you!
Monday, August 9, 2010
As precious as it gets!
Just to let all of you know that it is SUCH a delight to have this time with our family. God has been extremely gracious to me today . . . I had pockets of time with each grandchild individually . . . talking, singing, hugging, telling them face-to-face, "I love you!" My time with these five chickadees today has been as precious as it gets!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Need your input
Hi fam,
I've been working on a simple website page for the Library Media Center at my new job. Would you take a look at it, follow the links to make sure that they work, and then give me any input you may have?
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Fun & busy
the homefront of the Chicago Mission Trip . . . a fun, very busy day!
At the park, at home, and the pool (thanks for the invitation to swim, Andrew & Amanda!)
Successes: brushing teeth, potty-ing in the toilet, enjoying blueberries, long naps (me too!), snuggling, singing lots of songs, staying hydrated, no sunburns, building towers & playing trains, jabbering, sorting stuff
Not so-goods: pigtails, getting to bed on time

At the park, at home, and the pool (thanks for the invitation to swim, Andrew & Amanda!)
Successes: brushing teeth, potty-ing in the toilet, enjoying blueberries, long naps (me too!), snuggling, singing lots of songs, staying hydrated, no sunburns, building towers & playing trains, jabbering, sorting stuff
Not so-goods: pigtails, getting to bed on time
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