The sun will set in a little while, officially making this evening PJ Day Eve . . . I'm so excited! I've readied myself by going to Rex for a great workout in the pool; then time sitting in the whirlpool and the steamroom. Aaaahhhh. Books and movies are waiting for tomorrow; a whole day of spontaneity . . . of sorts. (hehe) Does it count as being spontaneous, if I've planned for the day for several weeks, even saving the day on the calendar (opened to the reality that God may have something different ordained for the day, of course)? Getting all of my "to-do's" out of the way so that I won't be tempted to hop out of bed early or off the couch because of something pressing to do? Planning for our late breakfast and lunch cookout? I've found that it takes a bit of planning for me to have a spontaneous day . . .
. . . there was a little talk that our AK chickadees might be joining us in this event . . . If so, enjoy!
PJDay Eve: Pops is soon headed out to an IDPA (International Defensive Pistol Association) match. He, and two little friends from church, will be shooting through 4 different self-defense scenarios, involving shooting hostile targets, and hopefully sparing the innocent bystander targets. (I personally don't think that such an event would help my PJDay frame of mind . . . I'll take the whirlpool and steamroom any day!)
I LOVE THAT IDEA! Hope you enjoyed your PJ Day. We look forward to seeing you guys. We'll call/skype tomorrow! Love you guys!
That's a great idea. We need to impliment this activity soon. My only criteque would be making it PJ week or atleast weekend. I could go for a day or two in PJs with nothing to work on. Look forward to seeing you guys today. Your grandson is a nut with all the christmas stuff around. Love you guys
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