All is quiet here at the house. The girls have scooted off to Manteo for a treat; Bill is running over to the grocery store; A2 & A3 are off on an errand; and I volunteered to stay here at the house as the kiddos are taking naps. The morning started off with a walk down to the playground and then onto the boardwalks to feed the ducks. Shallowbag Bay Bill showed up around 10:00ish to see if the parrots had been rescued . . . and the treasure hunt began. Part of the hunt took us to an island in the middle of the sound to shoot the pirate ship "cannon" (water balloons). The matey on shore had to make sure that at least 5 volleys didn't touch the ground. Andrew was great . . . and Adam, Connie, and Amanda were fantastic shots! Of course, as always, bridge jumping had to be included . . . Josiah was chompin' at the bit to be a part of the gang going over the railings!! He absolutely loves the water!
We checked the blog to see if our AK pirates had noted that there was a treasure hunt a-brewin' in Wasilla; and by the comment posting, figured that they know something is up.
The weather is great . . . just warm enough . . . but a little windy. It's fine though . . . the water is ALWAYS beautiful. The hot tub is perfect!
Thought you'd enjoy seeing some pics from the morning. Much love to you~
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