Thursday, September 30, 2010


Last Saturday was Nana Jane's 40th day of recovery . . . I nicknamed her "Noah" (you know, 40 days and nights of rain . . .)

Pops and I have been praying for Nana Jane; for healing & for strength of body, mind, and spirit. We also have been praying each morning for Adam and Connie and the kiddos as they settle in Macon. Adam has especially been on my heart.

As I was driving home tonight, I was thinking about these two very special family members and continuing to lift their names up to our Father. I had to run into the Dollar Store for a couple of things. When I came out of the store, there was the most beautiful double rainbow in the sky . . .two rainbows ~ two promises from God. It brought back memories of JD's funeral . . . remember hearing John tell the girls how God would surely see their family through . . . and how they would be alright, because God always keeps His promises? God is our Sustainer! May He grant Nana Jane and Adam the ability to appropriate His great peace, strength, and rest as they each face the challenges before them.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Almost completed

Thanks to John Davis for ministering to our family. John designed and built (Pops was his gopher) the ramp for Nana Jane and Granddaddy Bob. Graham and Pops put the (almost) finishing touches on the ramp last night and this morning. There's just a little more staining to be done at the top of the ramp . . .
Granddaddy Bob let me "test" the almost completed ramp out today. He sat in Nana's wheelchair and let me roll him down & up the ramp. It's ready when you are, Momma!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Gorgeous day

I know all of you enjoy sleeping in on your days off from work . . . but, last night when Pops and I realized that the temps were dropping into the mid-50's, we knew that an early morning walk in Joyner Park in that cool brisk air was definitely calling our names!

After our walk we mosied down to Village Deli for a yummy breakfast date; and then made a short visit and enjoyed a friend's smile.

I know the coming week will bring another bout of very hot weather, but I surely have enjoyed these two days of "Fallish" respite . . . so much so that I decided to do "Fall" today. So out came the wreaths and a few moments of enjoying the flowers that are in full bloom at this time of the year . . . . . . and even a butterfly, come to visit.
Happy Fall, Family! I love you. I hope that you have found this to have been a gorgeous day, too!